WASHINGTON– March 7, 2024 – The Global Data Alliance (GDA) congratulates all WTO members on extending a longstanding agreement at the foundation of the digital economy, and for advancing a Work Programme that will foster digital transformation and inclusion.
The GDA thanks WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and the WTO Secretariat for their dedication and hard work in achieving this result. GDA also applauds the professionalism and resourcefulness of the negotiating teams from all WTO member economies in arriving at an outcome that advances digital inclusion and economic opportunity. This includes negotiators from the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of economies, as well as from Australia, Japan, Singapore, the EU and United States. The contributions of these dedicated professionals cannot be overstated.
For the first time ever, the WTO Work Programme promotes greater WTO collaboration with international organizations on digital trade and prioritizes efforts to level the playing field for developing and least-developed country Members as they seek to advance their digital industrialization.
GDA members – representing companies active across the world in sectors the agriculture, aerospace, automotive, finance, health, media, software, and telecommunications sectors – look forward to building upon the positive vision outlined by all WTO members for the Work Programme and the Moratorium. This vision reflects many of GDA’s own recommendations for the Work Programme and Moratorium, as well as those of over 200 industry associations representing 150 WTO members and 20 sectors.
We also look forward to assisting WTO members to work towards a more permanent Work Programme and Moratorium in advance of the 14th Ministerial Conference.